Industry PhD project title: Fast-track to Net Zero Carbon buildings
RACE University and Industry partners: University of New South Wales, Buildings Alive
Previous education and work background:
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering with focus on planning and analysis of systems
MSc of Industrial Engineering with focus on optimization
Some years of professional work experience as R&D expert, logistic and supply chain specialist, production planning expert, and industrial consulter in different service based or manufacturing industries.
What attracted you to the RACE Industry PhD?
Doing a PhD that is directly related to the industry is always an attractive option for a researcher. By providing excellent communication platforms between the Australian energy industries and the universities, RACE for 2030 has given researchers the opportunity to find effective solutions to solve energy industry challenges while increasing their scientific capabilities to face real-world problems.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you were older?
I wanted to be someone who solves problems that require a lot of decision-making, particularly related to issues such as climate change and sustainability.
What do you hope to achieve?
Finding effective methods that lead to the reduction of GHG emissions and a balance between economic and environmental benefits for the building sector
What are you most looking forward to?
Investigating new intelligent data-driven approaches to help stakeholders of the building industry follow them throughout the clean energy transition.
What innovation/change would you like to see in 5-10 years’ time?
Achieving the environmental targets related to CO2 emissions reduction before 2030.
Fun fact about you:
I am always trying to shed light on new optimal solutions to improve current results and move to better versions in the future.
Favourite quote:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
-Albert Einstein, Physicist