Industry PhD project title: Reliable Representation, Information Extraction, of Time Series Data in Multiple Platforms (NSW DIEF project)
RACE University and Industry partners: University of New South Wales (UNSW) and CSIRO
Previous education and work background:
Master of Information Technology
Bachelor of Financial Mathematics
What attracted you to the RACE Industry PhD?
My research topic link to address practical issues concerning electrical usage. Collaborating with the industry opens avenues for real-world applications and enables gathering feedback from both academic and industrial sectors.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you were older?
Superhero (every child has a dream).
What do you hope to achieve?
Explore cutting-edge techniques and construct my understanding of the future development of technologies.
What are you most looking forward to?
A comprehensive, objective, and non-judgmental perspective on community and society.
What innovation/change would you like to see in 5-10 years’ time?
AI-driven tools have broad applications and can significantly contribute to practical usage contexts.
Fun fact about you
Science and engineering used to be my weakest subjects but have become the core of both my current and future work.