Industry PhD project title: Portable green hydrogen solutions for households
RACE University and Industry partners: Curtin University and Plico (Starling Energy Group)
Previous education and work background: Bachelor of Science (BS): Electrical Computer Engineering, Master of Science: Electrical Engineering.
What attracted you to the RACE Industry PhD?
I have a personal interest in green energy and sustainability and the RACE for 2030 platform connects both industry and university involvement in low carbon emission projects. Through this opportunity, I’ll have the chance to learn and network with people in a similar field.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you were older?
I wanted to be an interior designer when I was young but ended up doing engineering and I do not regret it.
What do you hope to achieve?
I hope to do my part in climate crisis solutions and work towards a career that can help achieve sustainable consumption and production patterns.
What are you most looking forward to?
Start working on a PhD project and socialize with people within the industry and university.
What innovation/change would you like to see in 5-10 years’ time?
I would like to see collaborative initiatives taken by industries, universities, and leadership partners to create a collective learning and knowledge-transfer environment among people.
Fun fact about you
I am a sociable person. I also enjoy traveling and love art.
Favourite quote:
“There comes a day when you’re gonna look around and realize happiness is where you are.”
Chief Tui