Industry PhD project title: Pathways to Net Zero Precincts – Policy and Practice
RACE University and Industry partners: Curtin University, University of South Australia, Griffith University, UTS and Monash University, Development WA, Hesperia, Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre Australia, Hawaiian, Western Power
Previous education and work background:
Graduate Diploma of Environment & Climate Emergency – Curtin University (2024)
Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting – Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia (2002)
Combined Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) & Arts (Indonesian) – University of Melbourne (2000)
I have worked in the field of tax for most of my career, predominately in the hospitality industry, which included managing global tax compliance and related statutory reporting obligations.
In more recent years I have worked as an Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) leader which included ESG strategy design, ongoing management of environmental and social sustainability compliance obligations and delivery of various environmental sustainability projects. This also included overseeing the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Precinct calculations.
What attracted you to the RACE Industry PhD?
The opportunity to undertake research on an incredibly important topic with industry partners, providing the ability to have industry-based research that can lead to practical, real-world outcomes.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you were older?
An artist
What do you hope to achieve?
I hope to show that by certifying a net zero precinct with integrity that it enables “real zero”
What are you most looking forward to?
Collaborating with an incredible team of researchers at Curtin University along with the industry partners to show the role that net zero precincts can play in the pursuit of net zero with integrity.
What innovation/change would you like to see in 5-10 years’ time?
That we have finally reached the downward trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions.
Fun fact about you
I love cooking, especially baking.
Favourite quote:
Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world