Work package leader: Kriti Nagrath (UTS)
Research team members:
Research team members:
- Prof Peter Newman (Curtin)
- Prof Stuart White (UTS)
- A/Prof Dr Charlie Hargroves (Curtin)
- Dr Scott Dwyer (UTS)
- Dr Kirrilie Rowe (UniSA)
Key responsibilities:
- Undertake project management and reporting tasks working closely with Work Package (WP) leaders.
- Manage partner recruitment, communications, and engagement, including all partner meetings.
- Directly support Work Packages to develop Stream 1 milestones, namely: identification of KPIs; Data Collection Plans; Business Model Review and Analysis; consideration of economic multipliers and wider industry benefits and implications for procurement and investment.
- Identify the key barriers and opportunities experienced in the Demonstration Projects and how were they approached.
- Directly support Work Packages to develop Stream 4 milestones, namely: policy change landscape; policy change proposals, monitoring and review.
- Identify the key replicable and scalable lessons from each of the Demonstration Projects.
Work package leader: Dr Chris Briggs (UTS)
Research team members:
Research team members:
- A/Prof Kaveh Khalilpour (UTS)
- Bo Pang (Griffith)
- Dr Ed Langham (UTS)
- Dr Anna Mortimore (Griffith)
- Jonathan Rispler (UTS)
Key responsibilities:
- Design recruitment processes for data providers and stakeholders to inform applications for Ethics Approval.
- Undertake stakeholder engagement to develop methodology and approach for market landscaping and baseline study.
- Undertake desktop research, recruit participants and data collection to inform market landscape and baseline.
- Undertake recruitment and data collection on EV charging behaviour for each Demonstration Project, including managing Ethics Approvals.
- Develop a profile of early-stage EV charging infrastructure development for each Demonstration Project.
- Design a set of interventions to influence EV charging behaviour for each of the Demonstration Projects.
- Identify learnings from Demonstration Projects around EV charging behaviours.
Work package leader: Dr Ehsan Pashajavid (Curtin)
Research team members:
Research team members:
- Prof Sumedha Rajakaruna (Curtin)
- Dr Redowan Mahmud (Curtin)
- Prof Peter Pudney (UniSA)
- Dr Ibrahim Ibrahim (UTS)
Key responsibilities:
- Develop data and analytical frameworks and tools to underpin data analytics and assessment.
- Undertake an inventory of data available from Demonstration Projects relevant to the KPIs.
- Develop a data collection plan for the collection of data from Demonstration Projects.
- Support Work Package 4 (WP4) to investigate Business Models and test and refine the analysis to identify costs and benefits.
- Lead data collection for each Demonstration Project to inform research questions.
- Support WP6 to investigate orchestration solutions and how EVs and DERs support network stability and hosting capacity.
- Undertake an assessment of EVs and DER capacity utilisation.
- Support WP2 to understand EV charging behaviour
Work package leader: Dr Dean Economou (Curtin)
Research team members:
Research team members:
- Dr Ed Langham (UTS)
- Dr Alexsandr Akimov (Griffith)
- Dr Bo Pang (Griffith)
Key responsibilities:
- Identify KPIs relevant to research questions for each Demonstration Project.
- Support WP3 to undertake an inventory of data; develop a Data Collection Plans; undertake data collection and assess EVs and DER capacity utilisation in each Demonstration Project.
- Develop a framework to investigate Business Models and develop and undertake process to analyse Business Models to identify costs and benefits.
- Investigate the potential for wider benefits to the economy and associated industries from the potential rollout of the Demonstration Projects.
- Investigate the implications for procurement and investment from the potential roll-out of the Demonstration Projects.
- Support WP2 to design, review and interpret interventions to influence EV charging behaviour.
Work package leader: Dr Rowena Cantley-Smith (UTS),
Research team members:
Research team members:
- A/Prof Charlie Hargroves (Curtin)
- Dr Anne Kallies (RMIT)
- Dr Anne Mortimer (Griffith)
- Dr Scott Dwyer (UTS)
Key responsibilities:
- Undertake a literature review of potential legal, taxation and regulatory issues specifically relevant to the Demonstration Projects
- Identify the level of difficulty to change, the precedent and requisite data required, and the likelihood of change for short-listed changes.
- Develop specific policy change proposals related to each of the Demonstration Projects.
- Monitor and review progress on call for policy change for each Demonstration Project.
Work package leader: A/Prof Roger Dargaville (Monash)
Research team members:
Research team members:
- Dr Changlong Wang (Monash)
- Dr Ibrahim Ibrahim (UTS)
- A/Prof Lasantha Meegahapola (RMIT)
- A/Prof Mahdi Jalili (RMIT)
Key responsibilities:
- Support WP3 to undertake an inventory of data for each Demonstration Project and to develop data collection plans to guide data collection across all research questions.
- Investigate orchestration solutions used in Demonstration Projects to minimise the impact of electrification needs within operational constraints.
- Identify the optimal behaviour of managed charging and distribution scale battery orchestration under different scenarios.
- Investigate using MUREIL how EVs and DERs in the Demonstration Projects support network stability and hosting capacity.