August 3 2023

Connecting EVs across Australia’s energy grids
The electrification of transport is a key weapon in the armoury to decarbonise many a country’s economy, and Australia is no different. With around 20 million vehicles on the road and 99.9 per cent of these powered by petrol or diesel, Australia’s carbon emissions from road transport have been on a seemingly unstoppable rise for decades.
July 7 2023

Connecting EVs across Australia’s energy grids
The electrification of transport is a key weapon in the armoury to decarbonise many a country’s
economy, and Australia is no different. With around 20 million vehicles on the road and
99.9 per cent of these powered by petrol or diesel, Australia’s carbon emissions from road
transport have been on a seemingly unstoppable rise for decades.
June 7 2023

Charging Australia's EV uptake with strategic integration
With the ncreasing uptake of electric vehicles, researchers at the Reliable Affordable Clean Energy for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre (RACE for 2030) are leading a project to demonstarte gow strategic integration
April 21 2023

Australia’s adoption of electric vehicles has been maddeningly slow, but we’re well placed to catch up fast
Australia has long had a love affair with the internal combustion engine. Its first petrol-powered car was developed in 1901. (Admittedly, the engine was imported from Germany).
March 30 2023

Witchcliffe Ecovillage leads country in EV integration
The Witchcliffe Ecovillage recently celebrated the switching-on of its five newly installed Tritium EV fast-charging stations with the simultaneous launch of the RACE for 2030’s Australian Strategic EV Integration project (SEVI). Our project was also shared on Busselton Mail and Margaret River Mail.