This theme explores the how and why of owners and renters electrifying their homes, including energy efficiency options to reduce consumption. Research will consider the role of community-based solutions as well as the influence of community behaviour on individual choice. Policy and regulatory settings required to decarbonise Australian homes will be developed to treat embodied emissions and improve health outcomes for occupants. Finally, applying research findings through an innovation network will encourage end users to seek energy-efficient solutions as business-as-usual practice.
This theme will examine the role of home technologies that enable responsive actions to minimise costs and emissions. It will explore what level of control people are willing to give to devices, systems and companies, and how they could be encouraged to help deliver benefits to the wider community. It will investigate the technologies and control techniques required to better integrate renewable energy through flexible demand and develop policy and regulatory settings that enable these actions at scale. Structured synthesis of research findings and targeted information sharing will assist Australian households to choose the best technologies to reduce emissions and costs according to their preferences and needs.
Our Projects

Hot water pathways for social housing
Chief Investigators David Roche (UTS) Purpose of project The project addresses the challenge of upgrading domestic hot water systems in social housing to make them…

Glebe energy transitions
Chief Investigators Dr Ed Langham (UTS) Purpose of project A large portion of the building stock projected to exist in 2050 has already been constructed,…

An electrified residential thermal system using heat pumps and thermal storage
An electrified residential thermal system using heat pumps and thermal storage Chief Investigators Dr Ahmad Mojiri (RMIT) Purpose of project Thermal applications account for 40-60% of the energy use in the residential sector. There are…

Energy Upgrades for Australian Homes
Chief Investigators Prof. Rob Raven (Monash University) Prof. Liam Smith (Monash University) Purpose of project Australians deserve homes that are comfortable, healthy and affordable to…

APY Lands energy efficiency retrofit pilot
Chief Investigators A/Prof. Ke Xing (UniSA) Purpose of project This project aims to investigate and provide solutions to challenges for energy performance and thermal comfort…

Geelong electric homes pilot
Chief Investigators Jane Spence (Geelong Sustainability) Purpose of project The Geelong Electric Homes Program 2023 stage 1 is the first of the RACE for Homes Energy…

SolarShift: Turning electric water heaters into megawatt batteries
Chief Investigators Dr Baran Yildiz (UNSW) Purpose of project Australia is the global leader in per capita rooftop distributed photovoltaic systems (D-PV) installation, with…

Completed | May 2022
Enhancing home thermal efficiency
Chief Investigators Prof. Priya Rajagopalan (RMIT) Purpose of project The energy used in residential buildings is responsible for around 25% of carbon emissions in…

Completed | November 2023
Facilitating smarter homes
Chief Investigators Dr Simon Heslop (UNSW) Purpose of project Better use of electrical energy, whether rooftop solar or renewable energy from the grid is…

Carseldine Village Living Laboratory: A subtropical test centre for end-users/prosumers, housing industry, and electricity networks
Chief Investigators Dr Vaughan Coffey (QUT) Purpose of project Consumers are driving the clean energy transition through rooftop solar, battery storage, and EVs. Meanwhile,…

Incentivising within-day shifting of household electricity use
Chief Investigators A/Prof Anke Leroux, Dr Gordon Leslie and Prof Michael Ward (Monash University) Purpose of project Australia’s boom in rooftop solar is creating value opportunities…

Renovate or Rebuild
Chief Investigators Danielle Nilsson (CSIRO) Purpose of project ‘Renovate or Rebuild’ is a reality TV show that encourages Australians to choose more sustainable building…

Completed | October 2021
Rewarding flexible demand: Customer-friendly cost reflective tariffs and incentives
Chief Investigators Dr Rob Passey (UNSW) Purpose of project This Opportunity Assessment aims to develop and demonstrate innovative, flexible and dynamic pricing and incentives…

Pathways to scale: Barriers to, opportunities from, and impacts of retrofitting one million+ homes
Chief Investigators Katie Vines (Climate-KIC Australia) Purpose of project Australian homes are very energy inefficient. Existing support programs are not highly scalable. One Million…

Completed | November 2021
Residential solar pre-cooling
Chief Investigators Kerryn Wilmot (UTS) Purpose of project This Opportunity Assessment project looks to maximise the net benefits of rooftop solar for electricity consumers and…