Dr Alexandr Akimov and Dr Shyama Ratnasiri (Griffith University)
Dr Alexandra Sidorenko (Ausgrid)
Load flexibility will address new challenges of the evolving power system in Australia, allowing increased numbers of variable renewable energy to be integrated. Load flexibility entails demand response, additional loads such as EV, batteries and new industries. Supported by cost reflective network tariffs, load flexibility can manage the load to provide high value services, such as increased operational minimum demand during the day by adding new demand, geographically targeted demand reductions and system balancing.
This PhD project will investigate incentives for residential and industry consumers to become more actively engaged and contribute to load management or start new load such as EV charging or batteries and therewith accommodate flexibility, supported by appropriate network tariffs.
Research Partner
Industry Partner
Expected Start Date
October 2022
Expected End Date
October 2025
Project Code