Reliable Representation, Information Extraction, of Time Series Data in Multiple Platforms (NSW DIEF project)


Dr Imran Razzak

Dr Stephen White


The NSW Digital Infrastructure for Energy Flexibility (DIEF) project is a state-wide project dedicated to uncovering insights and developing innovative tools that support flexible energy demand. Flexible demand offers an alternative to the traditionally rigid energy network infrastructure, providing a way to reduce grid strain during peak periods, lower energy costs, and decrease peak demand.

This research aims to serve building managers through improved Building Management Systems (BMS) by establishing energy usage baselines, enabling effective monitoring and potentially facilitating future energy usage and strategy control in Internet-of-Things (IoT) equipped buildings.

Expectation of the PhD Program

While the building domain is rich in specialised terminology and expertise, conventional deep learning models often overlook this critical domain knowledge. Simulation-based methods can incorporate domain principles, however, the assumptions involved may result in outcomes that diverge from reality. Access to the building IoT dataset for this project, from CSIRO’s Data Clearing House, offers structured insights into the realities of building energy use. This project aims to harness this powerful dataset to develop AI-powered tools that bridge domain knowledge with meter data, supporting multiple downstream applications within the domain. The hope is that this exciting PhD project will contribute to smart building energy control and provide a strong research foundation for the future of energy management.

Research Partner

Industry Partner


Expected Start Date


Expected End Date


Project Code