Privacy-preserving IoT data communication gateway integration from multiple platforms (NSW DIEF project)


Prof. Wen Hu

Dr Stephen White


This project will enable privacy-preserving cloud-based digital infrastructure to streamline real-time management of data from buildings and controllable loads by integrating the cloud-based data platform with site ICT gateway hardware from industry partners. Specifically, we will collaborate with control/IT gateway hardware providers (e.g., DNA Energy, EVSE Australia, Nube iO and Wattwatchers) to develop low-cost, energy-efficient, robust, technologies to provide connectivity between the cloud-based platform and the flexible demand assets in a secure and privacy-preserving manner.

The deliverables include the design and implementation of low-power, secure and privacy-preserving communication, and data integration protocols to connect and control IoT devices from multiple manufacturers and standards, and store and process the collected data, in the edge (i.e., gateways). This will enable more transparent and integrated smart grid data exchange to increase the energy infrastructure’s efficiency and robustness.

The objective of this work is to reduce energy costs for a consumer with multiple available energy resources and with an energy storage system. The project will enable more transparent and more integrated smart grid data exchange to increase the energy infrastructure’s efficiency and robustness. We will develop advanced IoT communication framework to enable private-preserving and secure energy usage and control data communication and data sharing, and to support the reliability in electricity system and reduce customer electricity bills.

Research Partner

Industry Partner


Expected Start Date


Expected End Date


Project Code