Chief Investigators
Dr Mike Mourtiz (Curtin University)
Purpose of project
The project will investigate selected new and emerging business models for distributed energy resources (DER) and storage and analyse them against existing and evolving regulatory frameworks and institutional settings in order to identify pathways for accelerating their implementation.
Impact of project
The project will produce an implementation road map for the wider uptake of DER’s that:
- examines emerging business and governance models and evaluate viability against existing and emerging regulatory frameworks (including market rules, retailer requirements, and network access and pricing regulations) and in so doing will help inform investment pathways;
- informs network operators’ response to the emergence of DERs in ways that help optimise system transitions for all system participants;
- evaluates available data to provide an evidence base that will underpin the assertions of the value of high penetration DER world;
- supports the creation of new business models that have the potential to reduced greenhouse gas emissions (see estimates below under long term impacts) and stabilisation of customer bills;
- underpins efforts by Australian energy companies, governments and research institutions to deliver significant GHG reductions and financial saving as part of the energy transition.
Project partners – industry and research
Curtin University (Lead), DevelopmentWA, Energy Policy WA, Griffith University, Planet Ark Power (Gozero Energy Pty Ltd) and (Tilty Labs Pty Ltd), RedGrid,RMIT, Starling Energy Group Pty Ltd, Western Power.
Published Report
- Completed
Project Leaders
- Mike Mourtiz, Curtin University
Completion Date
December 2022
Project Code