Chief Investigators
A/Prof. Anna Bruce (UNSW)
Many businesses are reducing their electricity-related emissions through purchasing renewables. However, an increasing mismatch between system-level renewable energy generation and demand is leading to integration challenges. The development of green “firming” products and investment in greater load flexibility (to reach “24/7 renewables”) can help to mitigate this mismatch. More businesses are now demanding 24/7 renewables, which goes beyond traditional 100% renewable energy targets to renewable generation matched with demand hour by hour. However, there is no established mechanism to validate 24/7 renewables. In addition, businesses currently lack visibility on how their renewable energy purchasing decisions, related firming contracts and onsite energy management, impact their energy costs and risks, the carbon-intensity of their electricity use, and that of the grid more generally.
Purpose of project
In this project, tools will be developed for matching renewables purchasing of large energy users with their demand. This will help businesses better track, understand and enhance the outcomes of their renewables purchasing approaches and on-site energy management activities.
Impact of project
Through the project, potential renewables products, accounting and contracting approaches will be assessed and new options developed that can enable business customers to establish a stronger link between their energy purchases and renewable energy generation. Short term, the project team estimates that by effectively shifting 10% of the demand of participating businesses to times of surplus renewable energy, roughly 14,500 MWh carbon-based energy can be offset by renewables per annum. This is equivalent to reducing about 11,000 t CO2-e emissions every year.
Project partners – industry and research
Industry Reference Group members
AGL, Business Renewables Centre Australia (BRC-A), Clean Energy Council (CEC), Coles, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), Green Energy Markets, Google, Mirvac Ventures, Renewable Energy Hub, Starling Energy Group/Plico, WA Government Energy Department
Published Report
- Completed
Project Leaders
- Anna Bruce, UNSW
Completion Date
May 2024
Project Code