The Chair, Louise Sylvan AM FAICD, and the Board are pleased to announce Dr Bill Lilley will become the Chief Executive Officer of the RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) from 1 July this year. Dr Lilley has been the Chief Research Officer of RACE since March 2023.
Over multiple decades, Bill has developed and delivered national and international decarbonisation programs working in industry, government and research across the power, water and transport sectors.
Across these roles, Bill has worked with startups through to multinational companies to deliver transformative outcomes and is well placed to drive the innovation, through RACE and with our partners, needed to facilitate a smooth and rapid energy transition to achieve our decarbonisation goals.
Outgoing CEO, Jonathan Jutsen, welcomed the appointment of Dr Lilley. ‘Not only is this an excellent time for me to hand on the baton and pursue my other interests, but it is very rewarding for all of us that Bill is the incoming CEO. It has been a pleasure working with him and I look forward to following the continuing crucial work of RACE for 2030.’
On behalf of the Board, Ms Sylvan expressed her gratitude to Jon, who not only served as CEO but was instrumental in establishing the CRC. ‘Without Jon, this CRC might never have been formed and he can justly be proud of his legacy. We are all looking forward to this next phase of RACE for 2030 and continuing to work with research, industry and government partners towards decarbonising our future.’
About RACE for 2030 CRC
RACE for 2030 is an industry-led cooperative research program established to drive energy innovation across the supply chain to deliver improved, lower cost and lower emission energy services for energy customers.
RACE for 2030 brings collaborative innovation across the energy value chain, from energy users to suppliers of energy, technology providers and start-up companies, governments, and Australia’s leading energy researchers.
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For more information, please contact:
Name: Thushy Sathi
Mobile: 0419 303 583