Industry PhD Projects

Current Projects

Data-driven strategies for flexible energy demand in business
DER and Grid Integration
Privacy-preserving IoT data communication gateway integration from multiple platforms (NSW DIEF project)
Reliable Representation, Information Extraction, of Time Series Data in Multiple Platforms (NSW DIEF project)
Advancing sustainable grid integration via bidirectional electric vehicle chargers: A pathway to grid efficiency and reduced emissions
Pathways to Net Zero Precincts – Embedding Research to Accelerate Adoption
Urban Footprint Model for Australian Precincts
Pathways to Net Zero Precincts – Policy and Practice
Optimal participation scheme for virtual power plants in energy and reserve markets
Demand management of V2H and V2G using microgrid and energy storage based EV charging systems
Coordinated dynamic hosting capacity assessment using artificial intelligence-based techniques
Increasing DER hosting capacity while reducing costs and enhancing energy system resilience
Maximising renewable energy for water corporations through machine learning, peer-to-peer trading and demand management
Technologies to improve process performance and methane yields during high-solids anaerobic digestion of sugar mill wastes
Optimising the total cost of owning and operating centralised chilled water plants
Innovative tariffs and demand response potential for residential and industrial customers
Portable green hydrogen solutions for households
Fast-track to Net Zero Carbon buildings
Developing an Australian Trust Index
Designing distributed renewable micro-grids for reliability
Smart Charging Strategies for EVs in Smart Grids
Off-grid Indigenous community microgrids
Customer first start-ups and the energy transition
Prefabricated solutions for retrofitting homes
Data innovation for zero carbon buildings
Optimal planning and operational strategy for biogas power generation system design in wastewater plants
Artificial Intelligence for management of electric vehicles and vehicle to grid (V2G) resources optimisation
Revolutionising high ammonia wastewater treatment: Pioneering sustainable solutions for industrial effluents
Aquatic Centre solar photovoltaic thermal heat pump optimisation
Smart Sensing and Industry 4.0 Energy Productivity guide for business
Anaerobic co-digestion of red meat industry wastes
NSW Digital Infrastructure for Energy Flexibility
Decarbonising heat with heat pumps
Business Power Flex
Industry 4.0 Opportunities in White Certificate Schemes
Electrifying the Cold Chain – Phase 2
Testing and monitoring of an energy-efficient indirect evaporative (dew-point) CO2 (DP-CO2) refrigeration system at a Coles supermarket in Adelaide
AI-ready flexible buildings to minimise carbon intensity 
Energy flexibility for water corporations
Energy Trends Visualisation Tools
Techno-economic feasibility study of Mechanical Vapour Recompression for improving Energy Efficiency in Meat Rendering
24/7 TRUZERO (Tracking Renewables Utilisation for Zero Emission Reporting and Operation)
Investigating transformative energy productivity improvement in the food systems value chain
Techno-economic analysis on improving biogas from anaerobic digestion on pre-treated sewage sludge
Industry 4.0 for energy productivity
Improving energy productivity through the electrification of cold chain logistics Phase 1: Concept development
Mapping organic waste in Sydney to advance anaerobic co-digestion for energy generation and greenhouse gas reduction
Onsite anaerobic digestion for power generation and natural gas/diesel displacement
Biogas from agricultural waste: a techno-economic evaluation
Improving the performance and potential applications of PCM storage for flexible demand in the HVAC-R industry
Load flexing of industrial refrigeration systems at abattoirs
Flexible demand and demand control technology and development
Electrification and renewables to displace fossil fuel process heating
Transforming energy productivity through value chains
Decarbonisation pathways for the Australian cement and concrete sector
Hot water pathways for social housing
Glebe energy transitions
An electrified residential thermal system using heat pumps and thermal storage
Energy Upgrades for Australian Homes
APY Lands energy efficiency retrofit pilot
Geelong electric homes pilot
SolarShift: Turning electric water heaters into megawatt batteries
Enhancing home thermal efficiency
Facilitating smarter homes
Carseldine Village Living Laboratory: A subtropical test centre for end-users/prosumers, housing industry, and electricity networks
Incentivising within-day shifting of household electricity use
Renovate or Rebuild
Rewarding flexible demand: Customer-friendly cost reflective tariffs and incentives
Pathways to scale: Barriers to, opportunities from, and impacts of retrofitting one million+ homes
Residential solar pre-cooling
Assessing the impact of Network Exchanger (NEx) on power quality in distribution networks
Maximising solar ROI: Advanced diagnostics for PV systems
Ask The Energy System: AI Assisted Energy Modelling
Understanding power system dynamics with high levels of grid-forming inverters
Investigation into Voltage Management Technologies for Future Australian Suburban Distribution Networks
Identification, Key Management and Trust for Inverters for Distributed Energy Resources
Behind the Meter Forecasting & Optimisation
DSO and Beyond: Optimising Planning and Regulation for DM & DER
Measuring and communicating network export service quality
Demonstrating pathways for Urban Renewable Energy Zones – Barriers, opportunities, and impacts of establishing Urban REZ
Distributed energy business models: Comparing distributed energy business models within current and evolving institutional structures to identify key opportunities and leverage points for a clean, affordable and reliable electricity grid
Curtailment and network voltage analysis study (CANVAS)
Low voltage network visibility and optimising DER hosting capacity
Accelerating EV adoption through commercial radio
Australian consumers at the heart of the EV transition
National roadmap for bidirectional EV charging in Australia
Maximising electric vehicle fast charging by improved thermal management of distribution transformers
Strategic Electric Vehicle Integration (SEVI)
My V2X EV: Informing strategic EV integration
Business Fleets and BEVs: Taxation changes to support home charging from the grid, and affordability
Electric vehicles & the grid
Scenarios for Future Living: putting people at the centre of the energy transition
Electricity sector workforce projections for the 2024 Integrated System Plan and for Australia
The Australian energy workforce to 2050 – Towards an Australia-wide view
Digital Twin enabled Sustainable Sunshine Precinct Development
Pathways to Net Zero Precincts
Australian Electricity Workforce for the 2022 Integrated System Plan
Benchmarking customer priorities and trust in the energy sector
Behavioural Insights for the Energy Sector
Defining energy efficiency for inclusion in the AEER
Decision engine to support the path to net zero
Innovative foresighting and planning
Developing the future energy workforce
The Green Wave: Adding value through net zero energy strategies
Trust building for collaborative win-win customer solutions
Data-driven strategies for flexible energy demand in business
DER and Grid Integration
Privacy-preserving IoT data communication gateway integration from multiple platforms (NSW DIEF project)
Reliable Representation, Information Extraction, of Time Series Data in Multiple Platforms (NSW DIEF project)
Advancing sustainable grid integration via bidirectional electric vehicle chargers: A pathway to grid efficiency and reduced emissions
Pathways to Net Zero Precincts – Embedding Research to Accelerate Adoption
Urban Footprint Model for Australian Precincts
Pathways to Net Zero Precincts – Policy and Practice
Optimal participation scheme for virtual power plants in energy and reserve markets
Demand management of V2H and V2G using microgrid and energy storage based EV charging systems
Coordinated dynamic hosting capacity assessment using artificial intelligence-based techniques
Increasing DER hosting capacity while reducing costs and enhancing energy system resilience
Maximising renewable energy for water corporations through machine learning, peer-to-peer trading and demand management
Technologies to improve process performance and methane yields during high-solids anaerobic digestion of sugar mill wastes
Optimising the total cost of owning and operating centralised chilled water plants
Innovative tariffs and demand response potential for residential and industrial customers
Portable green hydrogen solutions for households
Fast-track to Net Zero Carbon buildings
Developing an Australian Trust Index
Designing distributed renewable micro-grids for reliability
Smart Charging Strategies for EVs in Smart Grids
Off-grid Indigenous community microgrids
Customer first start-ups and the energy transition
Prefabricated solutions for retrofitting homes
Data innovation for zero carbon buildings
Optimal planning and operational strategy for biogas power generation system design in wastewater plants
Artificial Intelligence for management of electric vehicles and vehicle to grid (V2G) resources optimisation