3 February 2021
Exploring frequently asked questions about consumers’ expectations and experiences with EVs, based on a review of national and international projects:
• What influences the uptake of EVs?
• How important is charging infrastructure and fast charging?
• Where and when do users prefer to charge?
• How accepted and effective is managed charging?
• How can policies and incentives influence consumer behaviour?
Part of the 2 year collaborative project on ‘EV integration into the electricity grid’ between The Australian Power Institute (API), Centre for New Energy Technologies (C4NET), Energy Networks Australia (ENA), and the University of Melbourne.
For more information contact David Pointing, API CEO, david.pointing@api.edu.au 0403 448 488
or visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kfTXUS7jTMuC2jS8yBrHBg